blurbs about me: >i almost always wear a hat, >i'm a big fan of classical literature, >i dont like coconuts, >i plan to be a photographer some day, >i travel to Florida a lot, >i multitask and parallel process like there is no tomorrow, >i am religiously eclectic, >web comics are my addiction, >im a bit of a geek, >i say "sorry" way more than i should, >i skimboard (very badly), >i work on a macbook pro, >i love to cook, >i try and follow the tao though it doesn't always happen, >i make comics based on my friends teachers and classes (and crazy things i see happen), >i sleep with a stuffed animal duck named tilton, i read at least a book a month, >i take a minimum of 300 pictures a week, >i dont drink caffeine on a normal basis, >i dont like to be waited on i prefer to wait on others, >i LOVE AmericanSignLanguage, >i don't think i have an accent but if i need to i can pull off "country", >my freinds and i watch America's next top model religiously, >my IQ is 155 which means next to nothing, >i'm learning to read tarot cards, >i love to flirt, >i like long walks on the beach...i mean like...LONG bring a tent because we will be gone for at least 6 hours usually more around 10-12