Goldfish are known for having a 3 second memory... they re-discover there bowls over and over again... everything new once more after the shortest of time. So as they glide through there comfortable water, the shimmer of there scales gleamming with the light through the bowl... their fins billowing as they lazily try and catch up with the darting of our forgetful goldfish... they reach the glass... they see outside the bowl... they turn... and they forget... for the re-discovery of a stone that seems familiar tosses out the memory of a world beyond the glass walls.
What if a Goldfish never forgot... I am the goldfish who never forgets... and i want out.
I'm an actor who in general likes to stay creative... If you can't hold a conversation... the exit sign is behind you... never call me babes... try and refrain from typing L, O, L (i really don't like it... i read it as a nervous laugh)... I love c2c... but like i said... you got to have the intellect to keep up.
Other than that... drop a hello... I won't bite