I am first and foremost focused on others and how I relate to others.
You can call this a sign of Partnership with a capital "P" because I dont like being alone. For me, everything is done better as a pair. I am good when paired up because I optimize balance, harmony, and a sense of fair play. I like being on a even keel and just want whats best for everyone. It's possible though my penchant for fairness is for a different reason ;) I abhor conflict and study every possible angle in the hopes of achieving peace and harmony, so much that some people might see me as fickle or indecisive. If thats what it takes to avoid conflict, thats fine with me. I think of myself as a born keen strategist who organizes groups with poise and gets the job done. I am cultured, refined and love beautiful things. MOST of all I love beautiful people, which is why I do so well at a social gathering. I always have the right thing to say and know how to make others feel good. SUAVE? You Bet! I am so adept at charming conversations that I need to be mindful of overstepping my boundaries and appearing vain or gossipy (but I do <3 intrigue). When I am on my game, however I am a pleasure to be with. I am artistic, stylish and enjoy creating my world beautiful. The converse of this is that I can become apathetic and lazy - but I will still :-). I like putting my mind to good use and enjoy communicating my thoughts to others. I like to use my smarts (and talk) to get to know others better - yes knowledge about people is where it's at for me. I expect myself to make a fair argument, too, since I live by the rules of diplomacy and compromise. When this approach doesn't work, however, I am not above using my persuasive charm to get my way and want I want, manipulative? Nah, I am really too nice for that. Plus, and end-runs that I use are usually to build myself up, since I can be easily deterred. I KNOW how to communicate, so I am bound to make my point. I don't get into a huff when faced with a opposing viewpoint. Rather, I take a deep breath and consider all the options in the spirit of cooperation. Myself at play may not be as energized as at work, if you call "socializing" work. That's why exercise for me needs to have a social component to it, such as that found at a gym. Alternatively, I love the outdoors, so horseback riding and biking can also prove fun for me. I also love colors of the sunset sky, that melting ivory, pink and light blue. In the game of love, I am a bundle of energy, romantic and loyal to my very core. I need to keep a lookout for my lower back though, which tends to shoulder the burdens I may be carrying. My greatest strength is born in my quest of fairness, peace, and harmony. A beautiful journey this will be, thanks to inimitable sense of style.