What's going on gents? Lil bit about me: Graduated from Illinois State December 2013 with a Bachelor of Science in History. I made my location Chicago, but I actually live in the Western Suburbs (Still considered the Chicago metro area), but I visit the city frequently. Currently work as an AP specialist for a trucking and transportation company and also do volunteer work for the States Attorney Office. I came out to my family January 2014 and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. But most importantly it was drama free :). Likes: running, swimming, ginger guys ;), working out, workout buddies ;), hot guys in tighty whities lol ;), guys that can cook and cook well, and guys that are in the arm services (If you are, move to the front of the line;)). Dislikes: Arrogance, Sarcasm, communism, and mean spirited people. I'm here to make friends, flirt, and possibly date. Any more questions? Feel free to ask.