Original ..Nicholas..: Twenty-Four years old. Life has yet to pass me by, I fly so quick it can't keep up. Far from nothing will hold me back from where I want to be in life. I've been through a lot of shit and I refuse to give up or give in. Some say I'm Bi-Polar, I just have my own solutions to the problems I am forced to face. Hardly ever will you find me in one place for a distinct amount of time, on the go is what I do. My car holds my life, and many memories that I'll never forget. Good, Bad or the Ugly I don't regret decisions I've made. If not for the rough patches in my life, I would not be the person I am today. Everyone has moments when they know they're good, there are times when I ..think.. know the same. I have a good time, I let loose, I'm not stuck up by any means, life lets me live, no person will tell me who I am. If you judge me, you degate me.
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