A country boy from the panhandle of Florida, I have found myself living the California dream. Having been raised in the southern traditions that include,but are not limited to values such as chivalry, hospitality, and not only self respect but also mutual respect for all that are blessed enough to be apart of my life. With values such as honesty and integrity and a desire to find the joys in life that can't be purchased nor imitated. My family roots span nine generation of commercial fishermen. I was taught to love and respect the environment that provides the wonderful lifestyle for us and those before us. Having such an upbringing I enjoy most outdoor activities. A few of my personal favorites are camping, fishing, boating,hunting and let's not forget about the pic nic basket filled with goodies like fried chicken, potatoe salad, and fresh apple pie. Combine that with a shady view of the horizon and hours of searching for what your imagination creates out of the cumulus wonders shared with both great conversations and a wonderful bottle of wine. It is hard to believe that there is anyway better to share the time we have in our lives in this great country that we are so blessed to be apart of. I am very laid back and not at all impressed by the bar scenes or lifestyles that addictions linger in. This has not always been the case. There was a time where my biggest priorities were based on being a socialite and where my next buzz would take me. This came to an end once I grew tired of settling for what I had rather than what I wanted in life. Now my priorities include being a part of things that are not based on my own personal gain and reclaiming the things I let pass me by in the search to loose myself that overwhelmed most of my young adult life. It is now at the age that has proven to be a few of the best years of my life that I have something other than pain and disappointment to offer someone to share the wonderful life I have been given and a small part of it is the rewards of sharing this life with the type of man I have finally become. What man is truly a man that does not make the world a better place or strive to become a better man.