Trying to get me naked on cam is not the way to get me to talk to you
Thought I'd give you a heads up
Disclaimer: I was totally wasted when the following information was wrote. Though it is probably the best about me section I could ever write...maybe.
-I am just like you! I love, I cry, I overthink, I judge, I dream!
-I have never wanted anything more than for people to like me
-I have NEVER opened myself up to anyone fully
-I think I really need to haha
-Let's not lie I wrote the first statement in hopes that it would catch your attention enough to want to read on
-Corny I know
-I really do care what other people think
-Even though I have gotten AMAZING at ACTING other wise
-But dont think I let anyone get me down
-I'm a pretty positive person
-I will speak my mind and am not afriad to tell it like I see it
-Since were being so honest, if you have made it this far maybe you need to get off your ass and type me a message.
-I might just like it
-Let's see if I put this up word for word
-(suprisingly I did)
-I'm wasted
-I might not talk to you....yeah, even though I fight it I'm a horrible person...not really :P
-I do care alittle to much about looks though...
-It's the way were programmed
-Dont feel bad though I dont think I'm much to look at
-Though I look at myself to much...yup
- I am pretty sure I have gotten what I want out of life figured out
-Here's to hoping I'm not WRONG...
-You still have NO clue who I am
-By now I thought I would be a Power Ranger
-Where is Zordon when you need him
-I can laugh at myself
-I loved Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh
-I guess that makes me a looser
-I will accept that
-I need to shut up
-...Why in the hell did I wirte a disclaimer?!?...
Smile More
It's a wonderful feeling
Trust me
Some days it seems it's not worth it
The fight in me is all gone
And I'm not trying to be perfect
But just get one damn thing done
Before I lose control
I pick myself from the floor
Before you're pointed at me
There is a possibility
You better turn that thing around
The fits come easily
So don't you tread on me
Cause I will knock you down
Never come a day that I'll solve you
Consequently I could never leave you
In the shadow of those looming battleships
I love our canoe
I'm ready for the falls
And those still waters we will find are true
Oh there's a clock in my head
And despite what it says
Another one on the wall
They don't agree at all
And there's a schism in me
And despite what you see
You might see me as calm
But I go out like a bomb
-Dont tread on me 311
It's my own personal hope that one day people will look around and see that life is more than just the illusion that is thrown in our faces on a daily basis. That one day we will be able to come together and respect one another for are diffrences instead of segregating each other. That one day we wont have to imagine anymore!