when i am undergoing stress or tension i turn to music then its all gravy. i often wonder where i would be in life if i turned the other corner or did this or that. i try to stay on top of things, and even try to help others. truth is i am a mess. i'm good at giving advice but not receiving it. i make things work though. relationships are like miracles... if there real. the word love is something special. i over think some things that are so stupid and don't hardly think when i need to. to some people i may just seem like some gay alcoholic, but those are the people that don't think things through and don't want to get to know me because there stuck on there life and the priorities. yes it is good to be about yourself but i think its so much more fun to learn about someone else. some people hate me, some people adore my ass. truth is im nothing special i'm just like you i have got two eyes, two ears, ten fingers, ten toes, and three legs. most people think i'm the funny little gay kid, i plan on being something someday, i'm just starting.
get to know me i'm a real card.